TAFISA is the leading international Sport for All organisation, with 360 member organisations in more than 170 countries and regions worldwide. TAFISA members comprise International Sport Federations, Ministries, National Olympic Committees, Sport for All Federations, Municipalities, Universities and Non-profit/Non-governmental Organisations. TAFISA’s vision and mission is to create a better world by unfolding the potential of Sport for All and physical activity, maximising its contribution to overcoming global challenges. TAFISA actively cooperates with other global change-makers (including the UN, WHO, UNESCO, IOC, EU and others) in a quest to reintroduce physical activity into everyday life to bring joy, health, social interaction, integration and development to communities and citizens around the globe through the promotion of Sport for All.
Website: www.tafisa.org
The African Union Sport Council Region 5, based in Botswana, is an intergovernmental organisation part of the African Union, whose members are the Ministries of Sport and National Sport Commissions of the 10 African Union Region 5 countries (Angola, Mozambique, Lesotho, Eswatini, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Malawi, Botswana). AUSC Region 5's mission is to serve its members and sport in the "South African Development Community" region by encouraging and promoting innovative development of inclusive sport and recreation at all levels, through partnerships and collaborations with its members and stakeholders.
Website: www.auscregion5.org.bw
The European Network of Sport Education, based in Austria, is a non-profit organisation that promotes the sector of sport education in Europe since 1989. Its membership comprises universities, academic and sport organisations. ENSE focuses on projects aimed at developing and promoting the sector of sport and sport sciences at the European level, especially as they relate to physical education, coaching, management as well as health and physical activity.
Website: www.sporteducation.eu
The Olympic Committee of Slovenia Association of Sports Federations, based in Slovenia, is a TAFISA member and the national sport governing body in Slovenia that represents national sport federations and institutions from the Olympic movement. OCSASF promotes elite and grassroots sport participation across Slovenia. It fosters Sport for All participation through diverse programmes, events, and will organise the 27th TAFISA World Congress 2021 in Ljubljana.
Website: www.olympic.si